Black Podcasts For Your Summer Travels (Part 2!)

Black Podcasts For Your Summer Travels (Part 2!)

Podcasts are the shit.

View part one of this series here.

I think I’ve said that before right? Let me reiterate then. If you need mental stimulation, knowledge, a good laugh, a well-needed cry, or even just a break from music while you’re traveling—finding a good podcast will save everything. I’ve found so many good ones I really don’t have a enough time to keep up with all of them but I made sure to make good on my promise with another list for you beautiful souls ;-). Here’s my second round-up on Blackity-black podcasts you NEED in your life. Whether your getting those final flights or simply going to the beac (hell, even if you’re only solid plans are working under the AC for the rest of the summer (like me))— check these out for all of the above.

Tweet me @MsSashaS and let me know what you think or if your feeling generous and want to put me on to a podcast you love!

Jesus and Jollof:


Hosts: Luvvie Ajayi and Yvonne Orji

These two crack me up. Between the Nigerian-style banter, the Afro-beats and the real-life issues they discuss, this podcast is truly a gem. Each host you may recognize from other endeavors (Insecure anyone?) and together their on-air chemistry is gold. They discuss everything from dealing with mental illness and going to therapy to how to deal with African parents in well, every part of adulthood. As someone who is African-American this was eye-opening and a nice look into what it’s like navigating Americanized life as an African. It’s hilarious so it’s probably best you don’t listen to this one at work!

 The Nod


 Hosts: Brittany Luse and Eric Eddings

This podcast is great if you love hard-to-find but necessary cultural discussions. An example? The Rise and Fall of Black TV featuring Erika Alexander who played Maxine Shaw in Living Single. (Stop reading this if you don’t know what that is and find the reruns now!) That episode alone was enough to get me addicted because hello? Black TV is in dire need of a comeback! Whenever these two address any trendy topic its through a lens of how something will affect the black community as a whole, as is the case with the Cardi v. Nikki episode or the Jordyn Woods/Kardashian episode. Simply put, these conversations are pure gold.

Gettin’ Grow


Hosts: Keia and Jade

As my aunt would say to someone of a certain age: you ain’t no spring chicken. I have reached that age. And after having recently become a first time mother, full-time + part-time worker, constant student loan payer and I monitor my account daily…I feel like some of that counts for almost peak adulting, right? Well, if you’re my age (30 Sis, I’m proud of it) or even in your mid-late twenties you’ve likely been hit by one or all of the woes, wee’s and WTF’s that come with being a whole adult. None of this is easy and most of it is a constant learning process. But hey, c’est la vie. This podcast is just what I needed to feel some kind of camaraderie in all this messery. And it specifically zones in on the parts of being grown as they apply to black women. Because, yes…there is a difference America! This is one of my favorites and I’m willing to bet money you’ll love it too.

The Friend Zone


Hosts: Dustin Ross, HeyFranHey and Assante

Make this one a staple in your rotation. No seriously. There’s a reason this is one of the OG podcast. Their guest rosters include your favorite’s favorite (ShanBoody, Maryam Hansaa, Ari Lennox, Estelle etc…) and they provide the perfect balance between ratchet culture and bourgeois black. My current favorites are “Glorification of Busy” and “The Attachment Theory.” If you need to know what discussions are popping right now, this group is on their shit. Get into it, ya’ll.

Still Processing


 Hosts: Welsey Morris and Jenna Wortham

This is your grown up, super adulting, podcast. You won’t find any ratchet shenanigans here but you will indulge in polished, well-researched discussions on everything from Michelle Obama’s memoir to wrestling with whether we should love or loathe Micheal Jackson. Both hosts are staff at the New York Times and do an amazing job at providing balanced views on often controversial subjects (cough:Jussie Smollet:cough). My favorites? “We Louvre the Carters” and the “Asian Americans Talk Racism” two-part series.

Hey, Girl.


Host: Alex Elle

Author and Social Media Influencer Alex Elle is the real MVP when it comes to all thing Black Girl Wellness, hmmk? You’d have a hard time looking into that community and not finding her name or work associated to the culture in some way. And, of course, her podcast does not disappoint. Her guests are A1 and topics include: self-care tips, using your time to your advantage everyday, moving through grief, healing, and finding your tribe. Oh and the music is everything you’ll need to get you in a relaxed space for this one. If you’re looking for more allies on your spiritual wellness journey or prefer a more soothing and soulful podcast, this is for you!

What are your favorite podcasts?

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