Childless Milennials: a National Travesty
Where Are Your Children?!
A few days ago, an article from the New York Post criticized “childless millennials” for wanting to visit Disney World without having, well, any children ( After reading this article, I couldn’t help but think about the countless times I, along with other women, have been asked when they’re going to have kids and being criticized for not wanting any.
In addition, I’ve seen a lot of posts on parents throwing shade at childless couples for not having any children. It’s almost as if they despise their own children and envy childless couples. Whatever the reasoning may be, I’m curious to know about a few things concerning this “childless couples/people” topic.
Tweet cred to @JenKatWrites
Maybe I’m a little dense but I cannot truly grasp why it causes such an uproar when a woman doesn’t want/have children. Why is it so hard to accept that a woman might not want children simply because she doesn’t want to? Why is it such a disappointment when a woman doesn’t want/have children? In my case, my reasons for why I don’t want to have ANY children is because 1) I don’t like children (though I tolerate them) and 2) I will never have the funds, energy nor time to give any child. With that being said, that does not mean that I should be shamed for my choice in not wanting to have children. The same goes for any woman that decides she rather not have children, present or future.
Because of my reasons, I’ve gotten the “You’re going to be lonely” and “You’re going to wish you had someone with you” comments from both (former) friends and family members alike. While these comments can be disheartening and very annoying to hear, they still should not have an affect on the women who don’t want children. Although it’s easier said than done, it’s best to continue to live your life happy and childless until you feel/choose otherwise.
Tweet cred to @Meezy1994
What to do when your family/friends won’t stop asking you when you’re going to have children
1) Tell them the lineage ends with you.
2) Charge everyone $5 for every time they ask you when you’re going to have children (DEFINITE GUARANTEE TO WORK).
Tweet cred to @klimtsonian
In closing, what do you tell someone who keeps questioning your personal choices? How do you respond to those “You’re going to be lonely” comments?