Sis, Let's Take Your Productivity to Another Level.
I mean, let’s face it. We could all use a little bit more time.
There are so many days where it feels like there isn’t enough time to get everything done. From work-related needs to responsibilities at home - everything can start to feel so overwhelming. So here are some ways you can increase your productivity and get it all done efficiently.
1. Upgrade Your To-Do List
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Have you ever been stressed out by your to-do list? I mean the number of tasks alone can be overwhelming. If so, you’re due for an upgrade. Let me introduce you to the Eisenhower Matrix. This system “helps you decide on and prioritize tasks by urgency and importance, sorting out less urgent and important tasks which you should either delegate or not do at all.” Their words and trust me it works.
2. Set Fake Deadlines
Source: Giphy
This is the best tip yet because it helps kick procrastination! Whenever you give yourself a fake deadline you can trick yourself into getting what you need to be done early. It also helps give you more time to enjoy yourself and others.
3. Set a Timer When Relaxing
Source: Giphy
There is nothing more annoying than trying to enjoy yourself and you can feel your responsibilities breathing down your neck. When you set a timer whenever you’re taking a break, it can help you remain present, allow your body to loosen up and relax, and helps you stay on track with your responsibilities.
4. Start Bullet Journaling!
Source: Giphy
Creating and keeping a bullet journal is a fun way to keep track of everything - literally you customize the pages yourself! From reminders to mood trackers - you control it all! This also helps you look back on the month and see how you were mentally and how many goals you reached! It’s also a super relaxing activity and a great check-in activity every night.
Here is some more information on Bullet Journals along with some creative ways to style your pages!
5. Leave Your Phone Alone, Fr.
Source: Giphy
Sometimes, you really just gotta put the phone away. I’ve fallen victim to this so many times. My friends start getting live in the group message and now I’m screaming trying to find the perfect meme yet my work still isn’t done. By turning off your phone or leaving it in another room, you can increase productivity.
6. Start Saying “No.”
Source: Giphy
I know Shonda Rhimes said it was the “Year of Yes.” (Great book by the way, 10/10 would recommend.) But, sometimes “No” is all that needs to be said. By saying no, you’re reclaiming your time. Trust me, they can find someone else to help them.
Read how to say no nicely here.
7. Figure Out What Times You Work Best and Delegate That for Your Time to Get it Done.
Source: Giphy
Recently I figured out I wasn’t really a morning person- I was a “fake” morning person because I felt the pressure to become one. But, now that I’ve started to observe when I have energy, I realized I operate best mid-day. Knowing what time you’re most productive and what environments help bring that out, helps you get more done!
8. Do what You Dread First.
Source: Giphy
Do whatever you don’t want to do first. There is nothing worse I know but once you get it out of the way it is gone for good! Now you can operate on other tasks with a clear mind and refreshed energy.
9. Disconnect Alerts From Your Computer
Source: Giphy
If your text messages and calls come to your computer, it can be extremely difficult to stay focused. Turn off all notifications unless it’s from family to help prevent interruptions.
10. Create a Routine to Help Prepare Your Mind for Work
Source: Giphy
Having routines to help you get in the mood to work will seriously increase your productivity. For example, when you light a candle, turn on a specific playlist, or even shut off your notifications these are signals to your brain that help you get in the mindset of work.
11. Lighten Your Cleaning Standards.
Source: Giphy
There is nothing that beats a clean house - it is so open and inviting! But, during the week it can turn into hours of time spent trying to make sure the house is spotless every second of the day. Accepting that there will be smaller messes that can wait will free up time for more to get done.
Pick three things in the morning (if that) to get cleaned and let the rest be dealt with later.
We can’t add more hours to the day but we can free up some space. Time to go forth and get it all done - nothing to a boss.